
This is a mix of notes, blog posts and general rants related to my X-yachts X-79 sail boat.

Coming from software/IT into sailing is an interesting journey. Like other fields I've studied that are mostly run by hobbyists (and a few legacy/incumbent companies), there is a lot of marketing, hearsay and "well-known truths".

I'm writing down my experiences, both to remember them better, and perhaps to be helpful to others in the same situation.

In general the setup is based on the Freeboard setup, as described on .

Open/remaining issues

  • Feed ST2000 with NMEA data to sail on wind angle instead of compass angle. (cruising)
  • Talk/read from the Seatalk bus. Not sure if useful at this stage.
  • Connect the paddle-wheel to the arduino.
  • Fixed external display of wind and SOG/SOW.